Here is how we do it:
- We take 4 kitchen chairs and put two on each side of our living room rug facing away from each other (see picture above).
- A twin sheet fits perfectly around the chair seats.
- The flat sheet goes over the top the opposite way (it isn't in its lowered position for this picture).
- We usually put a pillow and blanket in there and my son likes to look at books, bring his toys/cars and play, or take a nap.
- Voila! Happy, entertained kids!
Head on over to Rocks in my Dryer for other great Works for me Wednesday ideas!

I did this as a kid. Actually we made a few "buildings" like this and pretended some of there were stores (banks, bakery, restaurants)and some were our houses. Wow you are bringing back memories.
fitted sheets! Brilliant!!!
I echo that sentiment- BRILLIANT! I love that you used fitted sheets. And seeing as how I just mopped the kitchen floor and our four chairs (that strangely resemble yours) are still in the living room- I think we'll do that now! :)
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