After my 9,000th visit just over a month ago I wrote a series I called "Blogging for Fun and Profit" to share some ways that you can increase your blog traffic, find time to blog, and how to make a little bit of money.
For me, blogging has been a great way to have a creative outlet now that I have decreased my hours at work from full-time to part-time. I love to share my ideas and have been thrilled to meet some e-friends in the process. I love to help others begin or improve their frugal lifestyle - and I love all the ideas about how to improve mine!
If you are considering starting a blog, I highly recommend it. It is fun and blogger is FREE to use, so you have nothing to lose!
Once you start, read these posts to help get your blog off the ground:
Increasing your Blog Traffic
Making Money Blogging
I know that once you get started, you will get addicted as I did! Good luck, and feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or ideas!

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