$1.00 off 1 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
$1.00 off 3 Pillsbury Pie Crust, Cookie Dough, Golden Layers Biscuits, or Frozen dinner rolls
$1.00 off 1 Pillsbury thin pizza crust or Pillsbury Crescent recipe creations
$1.00 off 1 Green Giant 19-24 oz frozen bagged vegetables
$1.00 off 3 Green Giant boxed vegetables
$1.00 off 2 boxes of Pop Secret
$1.00 off 2 Cheerios
$1.00 off any multi grain Cheerios
$1.00 off Pillsbury Savorings
$1.00 off Pillsbury Big Deluxe Classics cookie dough, Grands cinnamon rolls, or Flaky twists

Whew! These coupons are great! I am looking forward to using the $1.00 off crescent rolls, sometimes goes go as low as $.99. The expiration date on all of these coupons are 5/31/09. You can still get them! Sign up for your own coupon book here.
Other great freebies...
--Get a FREE sample of Bausch & Lomb moistened lens tissue here. This would be great to keep in your purse or your car to clean your sunglasses!
--Love recipes like I do? Get a FREE recipe booklet from Earthbound Farm Organic here.
--If you aren't signed as a member of LUVs diapers, sign up to receive some FREE Luvs coupons here.
--Want more diaper savings? Join the Huggies Baby Network here for FREE samples, diaper coupons, and a potty training DVD! Cool!
--Get your FREE subscription to Remedy Life magazine by clicking here.
--Close to retirement or planning for retirement? Get a FREE copy of Retirement for Dummies here.
--I love popcorn! Do you? Get your FREE sample of Paradise Island microwave popcorn here.
--Magazines are so fun! I love them - FREE magazines are even better. Get a FREE subscription to Traditional Home magazine here.
There seem to be a lot of FREEbies going around right now. Do you ever wonder where I find out about these FREEbies? There are many FREEbie sites on the web that share FREEbies, although a lot of them come with strings attached. All of the FREEbies that I share I have personally signed up for, so I know they are legit. I just recently found a great FREEbie site called Absurdly Cool Freebie Finder. So far, it seems like a great site for FREEbies, in fact, some of the FREEbies that I shared today can be found there. Check it out - and enjoy this week's FREEbies!

1 comment:
Just thought all moms would like to know that there is a $15.00 iTunes gift card giveaway on my blog www.EnchantedStorybookParties.blogspot.com
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